Wake up America!
I have a proposition. Suppose we gathered all the homeless and unemployed people across the country. Then we took all the convicted drug dealers serving time in our prisons. Finally, we rounded up all the members of gangs that roam our streets. We take all those people and bus them down to the Mexican border and drop them off onto the Mexican side. How do you think the Mexican government would react? Would Vicente Fox welcome them with open arms? Would the people hold protests in favor of their coming to Mexico illegally? Would their be groups that stood up for the rights of the new white minority? Would they print their government forms in English so they had an easy time applying for social services, enrolling their kids in school for that free education? If they had kids over there would they get low income medical and automatically become Mexican citizens? Would they have phone systems that say press 1 for English? Would they have closed captioned television shows in English? Would they find work that would displace born and raised Mexican citizens? Would their government pass legislation granting them amnesty?
If not, why should our country do the same for the citizens of Mexico who flood across our borders illegally? What is more disturbing is why do Americans stand by and allow this to happen? What is wrong with the people of this country and our government when the means to stop this insanity is within their powers? Why does the media avoid the truth concerning the seriousness of the immigration problem we face?
The American people need to wake up before the tide of illegal immigration turns us into a third world country where Spanish is the national language, because we are overpopulated by Latinos unwilling to learn our language and assimilate into the American culture. America is more than just a piece of real estate that offers benefits to those living here. It is an ideal and that ideal is slowly being replaced by a multicultural society that is fragmenting and dividing us. We cannot survive as a nation on our current course and the apathetic American public had best wake up before it is too late.
You might now be saying how can we stop this tide of illegal immigration? How is it within the governments power to stop it? Why haven't they done it if it is within their powers.
According to the Constitution of the state of California, ARTICLE 5, Section 7, states; "The Governor is commander in chief of a militia that shall be provided by statute. The Governor may call it forth to execute the law. "
I do not see the words "National Guard" anywhere in that clause of our states Constitution. It clearly states a militia.
The second Amendment of the U.S. Constitution clearly states, "A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed. "
Notice it says about the militia 'being necessary to the security of a free state'. Our country is being invaded by illegal immigrants from our neighbors to the south. Those already here have held protests demanding their rights. I ask, what rights? If our government, at both the federal and state levels had called forth a militia to guard and defend our borders we would not have this problem with an influx of illegal immigrants.
Even the supreme court ruled at one time, when it was not swayed by public opinion and political ideology, that; "The militia is the natural defense of a free country against sudden foreign invasions, domestic insurrections, and domestic usurpation of power by rulers. The right of the citizens to keep and bear arms has justly been considered, as the palladium of the liberties of the republic; since it offers a strong moral check against the usurpation and arbitrary power of rulers; and will generally ... enable the people to resist and triumph over them." Joseph Story, Supreme Court Justice, Commentaries on the Constitution of the United States, p. 3:746-7, 1833
So again, I ask why hasn't a militia been maintained, and more importantly called forth to defend our borders? It is within our governors rights as granted to him by the state Constitution to call them forth. Even the U.S. Constitution says a militia is necessary. James Madison, author of U.S. Constitution, stated in Federalist Paper No. 45
"The powers delegated by the proposed Constitution to the federal government are few and defined. Those which are to remain in the State governments are numerous and indefinite. The former will be exercised principally on external objects, as war, peace, negotiation and foreign commerce. ... The powers reserved to the several States will extend to all the objects which in the ordinary course of affairs, concern the lives and liberties, and properties of the people, and the internal order, improvement and prosperity of the State. "
Therefore it is entirely within the states authority to call forth a militia to quell and invasion. Why haven't they done it?
Could it be that special interest dollars from groups that benefit from the employment of these illegal immigrants have bought silence from our legislators? Could it be the growing Latino voting block in our country is more important than the prospect of an overpopulated nation, overwhelmed by demands upon its social services, natural resources and law enforcement agencies?
Whatever the cause it is clear that the means to stop this influx of illegal immigrants is there, but is not being used. Our leaders choose to fight a war of words while thousands more illegal immigrants sneak into our state and country every day. They are afraid of offending the Mexican government. They say that Mexico is our neighbor and they do not want to militarize our border. If Mexico were a good neighbor they would take the necessary steps to halt this problem themselves. Since they won't it sickens me that there are no leaders of honor left in this country who will stand up for the American people and what made us once great.
You may think me a racist, an isolationist or just plain inconsiderate. I am none of those. It is a matter of being practical. I am looking at this issue from two viewpoints, both of which concern the survivability of our nation.
The first is the fact that this is still the United States of America. During our nations growth immigrants from many nations began populating this country. They melded into society and became Americans. There may have been localized communities where different nationalities lived, like a little Italy, or Chinatown, but the people who came here still learned English, worked and helped make this country what it is today. With the current influx of immigrants it is a much different story. Many of them come here to reap of the benefits this country has to offer without contributing anything back to the society that is supposed to openly embrace them. Their allegiance lies to their homeland, they are like parasites and the U.S. is the host upon which they feed.
There are many immigrants who do come here to escape poverty in Mexico. They come to work and achieve the American dream. Unfortunately they do it illegally, which is a crime! They break our laws by entering this country illegally, then they use forged or stolen documents so that they can work. That is not a good way to start on the road to becoming American! Then there are others who immediately become burdens to society. They are the gangs, drug dealers and those who bring disease to our country.
That, is why illegal immigration is wrong. It bypasses our laws and safety precautions which protect us as a country. Forget the bleeding hearts who are saying they only want to escape poverty and achieve the American Dream. The American Dream is achieved through learning English, getting educated, working hard, and following our laws. It is not achieved by working for wages paid under the table that are below minimum wage, without any medical benefits. You cannot achieve the American dream if you cannot afford to buy a home or to invest towards your retirement.
What about the criminal element who bring drugs and gangs to our cities? Do they care about America? I think not! They bring violence and a total disregard for our laws. Why would anyone in their right mind want to allow that kind of person to be able to live within our borders?
That is how I view illegal immigration from a legal aspect. The second, and in my opinion more important, viewpoint is sustainability. America, like the planet as a whole, has a limited ability to sustain life. There is only so much land to house people. So much water for them to drink, and so much food for them to eat. Think of this as a scale, on one side you have population growth, on the other resources. As population grows and weighs down the scale the resources available to sustain that population decrease.
At what point is enough—too much? If we shut down the borders today with zero immigration, while enjoying our sustainable 2.03 fertility level of American women on average, we would still grow via ‘population momentum’ by an added 40 million. That will still be putting a strain on our ability to sustain life as we know it. Factor into that the current rate of growth driven by immigration, America will double its population just past mid century—from 300,000,000 to 600,000,000. How will we sustain that kind of population?
There is no way to keep growing and stop destroying farmland! In Colorado, we pave 100,000 acres annually in the name of ‘growth’. Tell me how you can grow corn, wheat and vegetables on pavement! You cannot solve traffic gridlock by adding thousands of cars to the highways. You cannot solve water shortages by adding more people, lawns and toilets to flush.
One visit to Los Angeles will show you they suffer toxic air, dwindling safe drinking water, gridlock to the point of insanity, water shortages, endless highways and housing development. Consider San Francisco, Atlanta, Chicago, New York, Detroit, Denver and all other large cities grow beyond the bounds of reason!
That is our future, the demise of our country do to overpopulation and a society that is fragmented by racial divisions. Crime will increase as resources available to sustain life become unaffordable or non-available. People will die due to disease and famine. Look at the countries of India and China and you will get a glimpse at the future of America. If their countries are so great why are so many of them immigrating to ours?
We can still stop this invasion, if we have the courage to take a stand. Send the militia, or our military forces, if need be, to guard and defend our border. Build a wall that cannot be breached. Take away the anchor baby clause for illegals which grants them access to social service programs. Fine or imprison those who hire illegals. If you take away the incentives for them to come, they won't. It won't be easy, there are powerful forces in place who want this immigration to continue.
As Americans we can longer remain silent. You must stop voting for the same elected officials that sit back and ignore this issue. You cannot remain isolated within your bubbles of security. Soon your bubble will burst, reality will hit you like a freight train and you will wonder why didn’t our leaders stop this while they had the chance. It will be because you sat by and let it happen. You did nothing, not one letter, one e mail, one phone call to voice your concerns. We must create a tidal wave of concern that they cannot ignore if they wish to remain in office. Time is running out, if we don't act now will lose our nation forever.
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