Downfall Pt 2
Part Two
How many of you have ever read our Declaration of Independence and our Constitution? I mean really read them and thought about what they actually say? How many of you have ever read some of the quotes by our founding fathers referring to subjects mentioned in those documents? How many of you know of, or have read the Federalist Papers in their entirety? How many of you understand how this form of government we have is supposed to work? Did you know how serious the Constitution was to the public at the time it was written? Let me give you a quote by John Jay, written prior to the ratification of the Constitution. It talks about how important it was for people to think over the decision they were about to make very thoroughly.
WHEN the people of America reflect that they are now called upon to decide a question, which, in its consequences, must prove one of the most important that ever engaged their attention, the propriety of their taking a very comprehensive, as well as a very serious, view of it, will be evident. Federalist Papers #2
You think you understand our government. You think we have a democracy, don't you? That is what you have been taught, but it isn't the truth.
We have a Republican form of government. Let me tell you what James Madison said,
A pure democracy is a society consisting of a small number of citizens, who assemble and administer the government in person.
If we resort for a criterion to the different principles on which different forms of government are established, we may define a republic to be, or at least may bestow that name on, a government which derives all its powers directly or indirectly from the great body of the people, and is administered by persons holding their offices during pleasure, for a limited period, or during good behavior. Federalist Papers #39
Since I have given you two quotes from them, let me explain what the Federalist Papers are. They are a series of articles penned by a few of our founding fathers, under pseudonyms, that were published to try and convince the states to ratify the Constitution. The founding fathers were fearful that the people would not ratify it, so they penned these articles to explain in depth new proposed form of government. If anything at all should explain in depth the principles of how our government should work, it is the Federalist Papers. So all through this series of articles I will rely upon them, as well as other quotes by our founding fathers. It is by reading their words that you should be able to see how our government should run, not how it is running today.
So, even if you have read over the Constitution do you think it is being followed by our government? Given the criteria I have laid out do you think our leaders are doing what our founding fathers envisioned?
Do you realize how much of the Constitution has already been perverted? Do you know how many of your rights are already diminished, if not entirely gone?
Thomas Jefferson said,
"If a nation expects to be ignorant and free, in a state of civilization, it expects what never was and never will be."
Do you consider yourself ignorant? In society today if you call someone ignorant they take it as an insult concerning their intelligence, that is not always the case. Webster’s II New College Dictionary defines ignorant as; 1. Without knowledge or education. 2. Displaying lack of knowledge or education. 3. Unaware or uninformed: oblivious. At no time does it say stupid.
So do you think you are aware of what is going on or are you ignorant? I hope to inform and educate you so that you can see for yourselves how much of your liberty has been infringed upon already. Do you remember the KGB from the old Soviet Union? Do you remember the SS from Hitlers’ Germany? Do you know the fear and absolute power they held over the people? Do you wish that fate for yourself or your children? If not, you should read on. If you aren’t concerned, go back to whatever it is you were doing. When reality comes and slaps you in the face don’t say I didn’t warn you!
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